What’s one piece of advice you wish you had when you were an undergraduate student?
Take advantage of campus resources! Not sure about that math concept? Go to the eLab. Need to polish up your resume? Check out the Career Center. Want to know what the real world is like for your intended career? Speak with your professors. The resources are there for you to be successful, don’t waste them!
Favorite quote?
“…identity is something that you are constantly earning. It is not just who you are. It is a process that you must be active in. It’s not just parroting your parents or the thoughts of your learned teachers. It is now more than ever about understanding yourself so you can become yourself.” – Joss Whedon
Define fun and what does that look like to you?
Being with those I love – interacting together definitely, but also just sitting next to each other on the couch while you read your own books, or even watching Frozen II for the 5th time in one day with my 2 year old. Life’s pretty good when I’m with them.