Welcome to Dixie State University and welcome to advising! Whether you are an Academic, Program or Lecturer/Advisor, the advising team is continually adapting to the changing environment of our university workplace and the advising profession.
I would recommend the following guide in navigating your way through the curriculum requirements and the university rules and regulations of understanding the campus. These ideas will allow you to begin the journey you will follow in the development of a personal advising philosophy, writing an advising syllabus, and a commitment to the advising profession.
- Understand the institution, college, and advising mission and explore the literature on advising. Determine where you fit!
- Understand the institutions culture in how the services, policies, and procedures work together to meet the needs of our students.
- Gain knowledge of the curriculum, both at the departmental level and across campus.
- Interactions with students can be emotionally challenging. You need an outlet on occasion. Find a mentor.
- There are no dumb questions! Ask and share!
- Try to learn something new every day. It can be exhilarating!
- Be flexible!
- Assess your performance by accepting constructive criticism from those with good intentions who can benefit you with their insight.
- Network with campus advisors, faculty, staff and other resources on campus who can assist you in your personal and professional growth.
- Seek opportunities by becoming involved on committees.
- Establish a timeline for professional goals to be met to continue to learn and grow.
- Expose yourself to the advising profession by volunteering, attending and presenting at conferences.
- Attend the advisement training meetings to root yourself in a foundation of information to fit your advising needs and your student’s needs.
In following this guide, you will impact the lives of your students as well as influence the reputation of our institution, and you will define and discover who you are as a professional advisor.
Dana Kelvington