What’s one piece of advice you wish you had when you were an undergraduate student?
The habits you create during your college life, will be the same habits you bring into your carrier field. If you show up to class on time, if you turn in assignments early, if you collaborate well on group projects, if you develop a good relationship with your professor and make connections on campus… these are the professional qualities that you will bring into your work-life. Most students will be surprised how much college mimics a job. So start developing those good routines now, because humans are creatures of habit.
Favorite quote?
“Consciousness is the black hole of neurology; a singularity hidden behind an event horizon of subjective experience nobody else can access.” – Unknown
Define fun and what does that look like to you?
Fun is anything that makes the passage of time appear to speed up and feels effortless. Photography, reading books, meditating, and spending time with loved ones is what makes my days fly by.