Academic Advisement

Amy Fletcher

What’s one piece of advice you wish you had when you were an undergraduate student?

Build a network while you are in school and carry that network into your career, that network includes knowledge and skills as well as people and associations that are in proximity of your field.

Favorite quote?

“A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” – Jim Watkins

Define fun and what does that look like to you?

My definition of fun is rather practical, I love anything that is accomplished. An intentional plan that is finished. Whether travel or the finish line of a 5K. I love to check things off a list – I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.


Bachelor of Science in History

  • Southern Utah University

Master of Science in Public Administration

  • Southern Utah University


Amy Fletcher


Phone: 435-879-4301

Office: HAZY 157

Schedule Appointment